Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Tips on the Choice of Acne Treatments

The value placed by individuals on acne can lead anyone to believe that it is a life threatening condition close to having cancer of some sort. Yet, despite this rather morbid description of acne, it is nothing more than a self-limiting disorder of the pilosebaceous unit of the skin more common among teenagers. The clamor for acne treatments is anchored on the psychology of teenagers whose primary aim is to look good and attractive to the opposite sex.

There are essentially a lot of acne treatments available in the market today, majority of which have not been scientifically tested either for their safety or efficacy. However, because of the media portrayal of the perfect "model of youth", acne sufferers are quick to jump on the latest bandwagon of trends and innovations. Rather than feel sorry later, here are a few tips you might want to ponder on in choosing the best acne treatment for you.

Tips #1 Consider your financial resources if it will be enough to sustain you throughout the entire duration of the treatment without necessarily compromising your other needs. Majority of these acne treatments are not one-shot regimen but rather comprises of a series of treatments which entail significant costs at each session.

Tips #2 Scour the Internet or even scientific journals about the safety and efficacy profile of the treatment options you are entertaining. You may have the financial means but the treatment option you seek may only be in its experimental stages. Unless of course you do not mind being the lab rat for this new technology, it is best to shun away from it for the meantime.

Tips #3 Pay a visit to your dermatologist who can give you an adequate understanding of your acne problem. Remember that acne develops because of a variety of reasons from different people. Understanding your unique acne profile will lead to better understanding on how best to approach its treatment.

In choosing acne treatments, like any other treatment regimen, it is important to look at the cost it will entail, the safety it can afford you, and its effectiveness in delivering its intended result. You clearly do not want to have a repeat procedure of a botched treatment in the first place.

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