Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Natural Home Acne Cure - A Remedy That Produces Results in Just Three Days

A home acne cure can be like a blessing from above for any acne sufferer. If you suffer from acne, then unluckily for you, you'll know how it can take it's toll on your day to day life. It can consume your thoughts and it has a way of making you despise the way you look. It sounds ludicrous that we could feel defeated by a few tiny pimples and let them take over our lives but we do. We get the desire to become reclusive because we don't like the way we look. Acne has always been a constant source of pain for too many of us. No human being should be expected to live with and be terrified about looking in the mirror each day because they don't want to see the state of their own skin. This will only be solved by a home acne cure, which I'll go into in more depth.

Acne occurs when our pores become blocked with dirt and bacteria. Oils that are naturally produced in our skin and normally flow easily from our pores suddenly have no where to go. Acne is caused by this trapped oil. People who are victims of acne will explain that they'll do whatever it takes to find a successful acne remedy to cure their particular acne condition.

The no.1 resolution to acne for nearly all acne sufferers would involve having a natural home acne cure they could administer themselves, that is affordable and effective. The main problem is that most of us turn too quickly to over-the-counter remedies that are pumped full of chemicals or prescription medicines in an attempt to solve this acne condition instantly and in the easiest possible way. This is a shame, as most of the time the problem can be resolved with ease, and will not require you to buy a lifetime of acne treatment products. Here are some natural tips you should try when attempting to cure your acne...

Drink at least 2 litres (8 glasses) of Water each day

One of the most natural steps a person can take to prevent pimples is to drink water. Water works wonders for your skin, and drinking 2 litres of it will definitely help you to prevent the problem.

Wash Beauty Products off your Face at night (especially foundation and primer)

Wash your make-up off every night before bed. Sleeping with make-up on your skin is likely to cause a breakout of spots, since make-up may clog the pores of your skin. When washing your skin, please avoid over-scrubbing as it aggravates the skin and that may cause an outbreak of acne. Instead of scrubbing, use a soft towel to wash and dry your face, using a patting motion rather than scrubbing.

Take Multi-Vitamins and make fruit & vegetables a part of your Diet

Foods that are rich in Vitamins A and E are excellent for your skin. If you'd rather not make the effort of sourcing foods that are rich in these vitamins, then you should take a daily vitamin supplement. Vitamin B helps in converting food into energy which helps your skin because some acne comes from our bodies' inability to digest some foods correctly; causing bad toxins to be released in the skin. Vitamin C is an antioxidant and contains anti-inflammatory agents. It will help penetrate skin and prevent the return of acne.

There are a lot of natural remedies to curing acne, zits, pimples and blackheads; some are short term and some are long term. The tips above will help your skin to start clearing up if you follow them for a couple of months, but there are also other home acne cures out there that will clear up your skin in a much shorter period.

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