Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Best Treatment For Blackheads

These are 10 Great ways to reduce the acne on your face

1. No more oil based make-up.

Oil based make-up helps your face at the rate of zero. Especially if you have mild of severe acne already. Try to reduce the amount you use until you can eventually not use oil based makeup what-so-ever.

2. Rinse your face

By washing your face everyday, you allow for clear and open pores to retain their healthiness. It is important, however, to make sure you splash some cold water onto your face to close the open pores so not to allow germs and bacteria to enter easily.

3. Get rid of your make-up completely.

Try and going the "Natural way" if you can. Just try it and see the real true beauty in your face. I have come to notice that many more women today are going the "no more makeup" route.

4. Do not irritate the pimples

By doing what most people do when getting pimples, squeezing them to release the puss is not the greatest of all ideas. Unless it is absolutely unbearable, I would never recommend to squeezing pimples because you are increasing the possibility of spreading the acne. Remember, acne is a bacterium that loves to spread all over when it can.

5. What to do after you squeeze the pimple

As always, a clean face is the best healthiest face one could wish for. If you do wind up squeezing your zits, make sure that you immediately wash your face and apply a clean warm cloth onto the area just squeezed. Splash cold water afterwards and tap dry with a clean soft towel or tissue.

6. Remove Blackheads safely

All blackheads do is block your skin pores causing a clogged unhealthy network for your skin to breath naturally. It is recommended to use the same process as above when doing this.

7. Use natural skin creams for dry skin conditions

If you have wrinkled or cracked skin due to dry skin, make sure to be generous and apply a moisturizer to the skin. Your skin is dehydrated so drink more water. The more water you drink, the better your skin will be anyway. Make sure the moisturizer is alcohol free.

8. Get a little sun on the face

By using the natural healing power of the sun, give your face and body a little heliotherapy once in a while. About 10 - 15 minutes a day is recommended. Do not, however, over due your sun exposure. It is dangerous and not advised. Use non-oily sunblock if you have to but try to avoid using anything if you can. The natural suns power should take care of oily skin if you do it right.

9. Try different creams and products

It is ok to experiment with different products that are offered on the market today.
However, I would never recommend using more than one treatment at a time. It can be dangerous to mix treatments and could do harm to your skin. Be careful, your skin is very fragile and does not need to be overloaded with chemicals.

10. Do not let the acne spread any further

For more information click here!

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