Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Quick Home-Made Acne Remedies - Effective Acne Scar Removal

If you are looking for some less expensive and effective ways to get rid of acne scars, then the best way is to use some quick home-made acne remedies.

Many people are tired of trying different methods of removing horrible scars that are caused by this dreadful skin condition. If you are facing a similar situation, then there is no need to despair as there are plenty of options which are available to help you get out of this situation. You can try using some quick remedies which are effective and easy on your pocket as well.

You can find most of the ingredients used for these remedies very easily in your kitchen. The best part about using these remedies is that they are free from harmful chemicals and 100% natural so you need not be worried about any kind of side effects.

However, there is a better solution than using these quick homemade acne remedies - and this involves using effective products like Acnezine, which offers you a complete solution to get rid of all your acne related problems. Acnezine is made using high quality natural ingredients, which helps in treating acne outbreaks and blemishes without causing any harm to your skin.

Some quick remedies

-One of the quickest remedies that you can make at home is mixing equal quantities of lemon juice and rose water to prepare a solution. Apply this solution on the acne affected areas, leave it for about 30 minutes, and then clean it using warm water. This is a simple but an effective remedy that really works to remove clogged up pores.

-Another effective acne scar removal method is to simply use raw potato slices by cutting them into thin slices and rubbing the flat edge over your acne affected skin. This acts as a wonderful remedy for controlling acne by helping in removing the dead skin and breaks down the bacteria present in the pores.

-Cucumber masks can be used as an effective remedy for treating acne and eliminating clogged pores. For this purpose, you need a few pieces of chopped cucumber, which can be made into a puree using a blender. Just keep the puree in the fridge so that it is chilled and you can apply it to your face.

If these acne remedies do not remove your acne scars, then try using Acnezine, which has apparently helped many people to get rid of scar marks and blemishes in a fast and cost effective manner.

Ways to Remove Acne Scars - Removing Acne Scars Fast

If you are suffering from acne problems and want to find effective ways to get rid of this problem, then you can follow some of the suggestions given here.

Acne attacks on the skin can be frustrating and can occur at any time and start creating problems for your skin. The worst part about this horrible condition are the scars that are left behind, which can ruin your physical looks and appearance. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways which are available today to get rid of this problem so that you can have a smooth skin again.

Some common causes of acne

There are many factors that cause acne, and this problem is common among teenagers.
Acne attacks are most common among teenagers during puberty due to the increase in the level of hormones which can lead to increased secretion of sebum by the sebaceous glands. This makes the skin more greasy and oily, which can lead to acne problems among teenagers along.

Use of certain cosmetics and drugs may also cause this problem, along with hormonal changes that occur in the body among teenagers. However, the use of the right kind of products and treatment can guarantee good results for getting rid of this problem. If you are suffering from acne, then you can try using Acnezine, which is an advanced acne skin care product for removing this skin problem.

Birth control pills and conditions associated with pregnancy can also give rise to acne among some women. There could be several hereditary factors which may make one prone towards developing acne in different stages of life. Stress, an unhealthy diet and environmental pollution may also be responsible for causing acne on the skin.

Effective herbs for treatment of acne

One of the most effective ways to remove acne scars is to use some good herbs, which can give you good results in the treatment of this problem. Garlic is considered to be an excellent herb, which can prove to be effective in acne scar removal. It is used for treating different kinds of diseases due to its powerful healing properties and in addition helps in curing skin diseases as well. You can use a crushed garlic pod and apply on the acne affected area for removing the scars.

Basil is also regarded as a powerful herb that contains anti-bacterial properties that have the ability to cure many skin related diseases. You can make a paste of basil leaves and apply it on the affected areas for removing these scars.

However, you can also try other ways to remove acne scars by using products like Acnezine, which contains a powerful blend of ingredients that can help in fighting acne in the most effective manner.

Effective and Natural Ways to Cure Acne

Acne can happen to us at any stage of our life. One of the methods to treat it is to purchase products such as pimple creams or face masks but the issue with using these products is that we are only treating the surface of the problem and this will not help us to stop acne from appearing again.

Acne appears due to the toxins accumulated in our body. This means that our liver is having trouble clearing out the toxins in our body. The toxins then appear on the surface of our skin which takes the form of acne.

Commercial products such as pimple creams do not cure help to treat our acne problem because they only work on the skin surface. The creams will only try to kill the bacteria on the skin surface or dry out the skin to promote healing and it doesn't really treat the root of the problem which is the excess toxins in the body.

Instead of buying expensive products, you can actually use natural ways to cure acne. Natural acne solution will help you to treat the root of the problem, which is to enhance your body ability to remove toxins. Using natural methods also means that you will not be adding more toxins into your body when your liver is already having problem eliminating it. By eliminating the root problem, acne will not occur again and you will not need to spend more money on products that do not work.

You can start a juice feast or introduce more raw food such as vegetables and fruits into your diet as doing this helps to detox your body. Keeping yourself stress free also helps you to minimize acne breakouts.

Using natural ways to cure acne is not expensive and it is definitely much more effective than any commercial skin products. If you want to learn more about the methods I had mentioned, I highly recommend Chris Gibson who has spoken on this subject on the TV for many times. He is truly the expert in this field and thanks to him that I got rid of my acne once and for all.

Treat Your Acne Naturally

If you are like many people you may be suffering from acne and hope for a real cure that is natural and safe. An enormous amount of time, money and frustration is poured in to treating acne by people who feel there is little hope. There are many products available that re safer and easier to use than costly chemical treatments.

Everyone's body is unique and should be treated as such when searching for an acne remedy. Just because something works for one person doesn't mean you will necessarily respond as well to the same treatment. While this is true, there are common factors that play a role in most everyone's acne troubles.

Sugars, processed foods, and junk foods do little to help your body accommodate the results of changing hormones and stresses. you must keep your immune system in good condition and allow your body to flush away toxins and acids. fresh juicing of vegetables and fruits (although the sugar content in fruits can be very high) will do more to cleanse, refresh,
provide the proper nutrients, and boost your immune levels than any chemicals and products ever could.

You can get a decent juice extractor for around $30 or $40 these days and daily juicing will cleanse, balance and energize you as well as resulting in much less acne. you could take the same money you would spend on an expensive acne treatment regimen and buy a juicer and a bag of carrots, celery, lemons, and ginger and begin to change your body and your life while detoxifying and giving yourself with nutrient rich foods that have virtually no bad side effects.

Naturally Remove Acne Scars

Many people who have had problems with acne find that the battle isn't over once the pimples go away. Scars usually remain and while they can be very embarrassing they don't have to be permanent. You can use a few natural substances to help remove acne scars.

There are a few natural ways to help smooth and blend acne scars away. The first way is by rubbing a mixture of lime juice and honey on your face. The honey is a natural moisturizer and the lime juice acts to lighten the coloration of the scar tissue. mix the honey and lime juice together and gently rub it on your face or wherever the scar may be. let this mixture remain on your face for a while before washing it off and be sure to use aloe or some other mild moisturizer afterwards to keep your skin smooth and

The second natural treatment to help remove acne scars is extra virgin coconut oil. Now I know it might seem strange to apply oil to your face to combat acne damage when oil on your face was got you acne in the first place. Hear me out on this. Coconut oil is an amazing substance. It is not a trans-fatty oil and it perfectly safe and beneficial to use on your hair, skin, and even to cook with. Coconut oil is a natural moisturizer and will work wonders for your skin. I recommend buying a jar of extra virgin coconut oil from a health food store and gently rubbing it in to your skin daily.

If you avoid picking and popping your acne you and just let them heal naturally you greatly reduce the chances of becoming scarred to begin with. Reduce your diet of sugary, processed foods and instead eat vegetables, yogurt, and drink lots of water to avoid outbreaks. Wearing clean shirts and washing your hair daily will help keep your face and neck clean also. It couldn't hurt to change your pillow case every few days as well.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Causes of Acne in Women

A woman suffering from acne may feel very self conscious and embarrassed to face people. Acne causes a stress on a woman's emotions and psyche. In severe cases, women may even suffer from anxiety and depression related to the condition of acne. This in turn leads to a low self esteem.

Acne can be caused due to various factors. Biological factors of acne include changes in the body hormones, development of bacteria in the follicles of the skin, retention hyper keratosis, infection of the skin, increase in the production of sebum in the body, etc.

The causes also include usage of lotions, skin creams and cosmetics. As we know, women are extremely fond of using cosmetics in an effort to look beautiful. Sometimes, this results in acne and they end up looking worse.

Detergents and soaps that cause irritation in the skin is one of the other causes of acne in women. So is certain clothing that irritates the skin. These include the turtlenecks and bra straps. These types of clothing tend to aggravate existing acne condition in women. Another factor is heavy sweating. This can be minimized by ensuring that you wash your self thoroughly every time you come back home or after every workout you do.

While washing, take care to wash areas in the body like neck, face back and chest as this will prevent clogging of pores. There is a widespread belief that an improper diet may cause acne in women. Extensive research is on to find out if there is a correlation between acne breakout and diet. Another popular belief is that psychological stress can cause or worsen existing acne condition.

Sometimes, other ailments such as polycystic ovarian syndrome can be one of the causes of acne in women. It is advisable to take the help of a qualified doctor. Usually, when the disease is treated and is under control, acne disappears.

Acne Face Washes - Can They Help Clear Up YOUR Acne?

There are a heap of different remedies out there for acne including making changes to your diet, exercising, and skin care treatments. Just about everyone you speak to will give you a different remedy, some of them work and some of them don't and what works for one person might not work for another.

One of the most common treatments for acne is a good face wash as keeping your face clean and your pores clear will help you a lot in your fight against acne. This is probably more of a reliable treatment for adults than for teenagers since acne in adolescents is often caused by hormonal changes. That's is not saying that teenagers shouldn't keep their skin clean, they should because clean skin at least might help to reduce the acne even if it doesn't get rid of it all-together.

There are many face washes available on the market that are particularly for treating acne and they are made oil free specifically for this purpose. A build up of oil in the skins pores can lead to bacteria which then causes acne and in teenagers with changes in hormones the skin can tend to be more oily than normal.

Your skin does need some oils so make sure that you choose a face wash that gently pulls out the excess oil from your pores but leaves the necessary oils intact. Some face washes also kill bacteria which is good for when you are suffering from an acne outbreak.

The problem many teenagers have is that once their skin clears up they stop using the face wash and as a result it isn't long before they have another outbreak of pimples. It is important, even when your skin is feeling good and looking clear, that you still use a face wash regularly to keep your skin healthy and prevent the acne from returning.

If face wash hasn't worked for you then you may want to give Acnezine a go. Acnezine has had amazing success results for a large percentage of people and can stop acne in its tracks.

What is the AcneFree Severe Acne Treatment System?

To some people, the sudden appearance of one or two pimples can be simply devastating. But what if you have severe acne? You have to deal with inflamed skin, scars and the social discomfort and anxiety of people always looking at your breakout. If you have severe one, then you have probably tried many over-the-counter ointments and creams, most of which are not designed for people with severe cases. So in the past, that left only the dermatologist and prescriptions to help clear your skin. You may want to give a new system a shot at clearing that problematic acne. It is called the AcneFree Severe Acne Treatment System.

Unlike many other acne systems that you can get without a prescription, the Severe Acne System comes with four products rather than three. The directions are pretty simple to follow, yet it is slightly different than any other system you may have tried before. With each package comes a Step 1 antibacterial cleansing wash, Step 2 corrective toner, Step 3 maximum strength repair lotion and a Step 4 retinol renewal complex. The mere fact that the kit contains 10% benzoyl peroxide and retinol should tell you that this is acne fighting at its best.

The AcneFree Severe Acne Treatment System is pretty simple to follow but it is different than other three step systems you may have tried before. For days 1 through 7 you use the four products twice a day. Then it changes on days 8 through 14. On these days you use Step 1 and Step 4 in the morning and then all four again at night. Once you have your days down and know which product to use, and when, then it is easy to follow. You may notice that your skin becomes dry. That is easily remedied by using an oil-free moisturizer that contains SPF for protection from the sun.

The absolute best part of the AcneFree Severe Acne Treatment System is the cost. You can find it for less than $20.00 at Wal-Mart or Walgreens. The makers of the AcneFree Severe System advise that if you have severe black-heads or want to prevent acne marks, then you should use the AcneFree Power Pimple Peel in conjunction with the 4-Step system. The real question is does this product work and is it worth your time? The answer is yes. If you have severe acne, this system can work for you if you use it correctly.

Acne Caused by Pregnancy

When you or your spouse gets pregnant, you start to wonder why the sudden outbreaks of acne on the face during the pregnancy period. Not to worry, this is perfectly normal and has been experience by women who have gone through the pregnancy stage.

The outbreak of acne is definitely not due to the failing of your immune system. It is more of the hormonal changes that occur during the pregnancy phases. Usually this outbreak does not last long and will be cleared after delivery or during the later stage of pregnancy.

Several pointers that you should take note when you are trying to deal with the acne while you are pregnant.

Avoid Medications

As different medications have different side effects for individuals, therefore during this period of time it is highly recommended that you should not take any forms of medication for acne. Certain acne medications contain Retinoic Acid which is bad for the development of the infants. Acid found in these medications can be a cause for miscarriage as well as birth defects.

For alternative solutions, you should try to look for anti-acne products that can be applied externally or other natural way of curing acne. There are many solutions to acne treatment without having to rely on medications and it might work well for you during the pregnancy stage.

Clearing up After Birth

The best thing about such acne outbreaks, it usually clears on its own after you give birth. As after giving birth, your hormones are returning to normal just like before you are pregnant. And the changes can be relatively fast and you can observe it from day to day. As one of the causes of acne is due to hormonal changes, in order to keep it balance you can source out for supplements that helps you stabilize your hormonal changes even after giving birth.

Even though acne during pregnancy can be cleared on its own after delivery, you might want to continue working on maintaining your skin in a healthy condition without having to rely on medications.

For non-medicated solutions on acne treatment, find out more with the links below.

Acne Scar Skin Care For a Better Self Image

If you are a teenager or adult who has acne or used to have acne, you are probably faced with the question of what to do about acne scars. There is probably nothing that helps maintain a positive body image than a face with beautiful skin, and if acne has scarred your teenager's face - or your own - you may want to try some products that specialize in acne scar skin care.

If you are under the care of a dermatologist for acne or other skin conditions, he or she will likely have some god advice for you to follow with regard to acne scare skin care or skin care in general.

There are a variety of products available both over the counter and as prescription that can help reduce or minimize acne scars. Corticosteroid creams are sometimes used for acne scar skin care, as are other creams, gels, or lotions. Accutane is a powerful anti-acne medication, but it carries risks with it - mostly for the unborn - so women who use Accutane should not get pregnant.

In addition to products, a dermatologist may recommend other options for acne scar skin care. Lasers or intense pulsed light treatments are a high-tech option, and some doctors may also recommend gel sheetings or pressure treatments. Cocoa butter has long been touted as an effective way to reduce the appearance of scars of all types, including acne scars.

Cocoa butter is inexpensive and can be bought in its "pure" form, or you can find products that contain cocoa butter as an active ingredient. Women have been using it for years as an anti-stretch mark product, and there is no reason to believe that it is not just as effective as an acne scar skin care product as it is for stretch marks.